Certified Nurse Assistant Resume Example and How to write it

By | May 20, 2024
Certified Nurse Assistant Resume
You can improve your chances of being hired for a CNA position by presenting a compelling resume.

This post helps you learn how to write effective certified nurse assistant resume, with an example to boost your learning process.

If you are seeking the job of a certified nurse assistant, you will need to submit a compelling resume or CV to improve your chances of being invited to an interview and hired.

It is therefore important to learn how to make an effective resume for the certified nurse assistant position, which is what this post will help you to achieve.

To make a great resume that gets you an interview with an employer/recruiter, it is important to learn about various resume statistics before writing your resume. According to novoresume, these resume statistics will give you helpful insight into the prevailing HR trends, guide you in making the right decision about your job hunting, and in creating an effective resume.

How to Write a Great Certified Nurse Assistant Resume

To make a great certified nurse assistant resume, you need to make all its parts, i.e. objective statement, core competence, professional experience, and education and professional Qualifications sections really compelling.

When the recruiter/employer reads these sections, they should be convinced that you are the right person for the certified nurse assistant position they are trying to fill.

Now, let’s see how to make each of the sections:

How to Write a Great Objective Statement for Certified Nurse Assistant Resume

The objective statement is the first thing the recruiter/employer would read when they begin to assess your certified nurse assistant resume.

To be effective, your objective statement must be able to communicate what you are offering, which includes the skills, abilities, experience, that you are bringing to the certified nurse assistant position.

The qualities, experience, abilities, etc. that you are coming with should match what the recruiter/employer published in their job requirements.

Example of Certified Nurse Assistant Resume Objective Statement

Here is an example of a resume objective statement for the certified nurse assistant position:

“Licensed Certified Nurse Assistant with three years of experience in hospital settings seeks employment at Briggs Hospital. Possess excellent customer service skills and ability to use medical technology, such as health data software and medical record charting software to reduce the department’s workload”

How to Write Core Competence for Certified Nurse Assistant Resume

This part of the resume contains a list of your skills, abilities, experience, etc. that you are bringing to the job that match what is required to succeed on the job.

Example of Certified Nurse Assistant Resume Core Competence

Here is an example of the core competence section of a certified nurse assistant resume:

  • Proficient in applying charting skills in a pediatric setting
  • Capable of handling patients, administering medications and accurately documenting patient condition
  • Assist patients in their care plan
  • Highly proficient in treating and caring for patients of all ages
  • Experienced in handling a variety of administrative duties.

How to Write Professional Experience for Certified Nurse Assistant Resume

You can use the Professional Experience section to highlight the duties and responsibilities you have previously and/or are currently performing as a certified nurse assistant or a related job.

This section helps you to show to recruiters/employers that you have been successful performing the roles you highlighted in your Professional Experience, which can enhance your chances of being hired for the certified nurse assistant position that you are applying for.

Example of Certified Nurse Assistant Resume Professional Experience

Here is an example of the Professional Experience section for certified nurse assistant resume:


DNB Company, Georgia

Certified Nurse Assistant

2018 – Present

  • Perform selected daily duties including medication assistance, patient monitoring, and record charting in a pediatric setting
  • Assist patients with bathing and dressing
  • Give ear cleaning, back massages, and foot rubs
  • Ensure patient belongings are secure.

How to Write Education and Professional Qualifications for Certified Nurse Assistant Resume

Education is very important for you to be successful in your new position as a certified nurse assistant.

The educational requirement you should consider is the required nursing degree, the knowledgeable and skilled nurse should be able to provide optimal patient care with the right degree in nursing.

The education you bring to the company is your set of knowledge and skills that can help the company perform well.

This section will include any degree or coursework you have completed to become a certified nurse assistant, any related licenses, certification and credentials.

Your educational credentials should be written in chronological sequence (highest degree first, lowest degree last), and your professional qualifications should be written in reverse chronological order.

Certified Nurse Assistant Resume Example

You have learned what should be part of each section when writing your certified nurse assistant resume.

Now, let’s put all together to create a sample of certified nurse assistant resume:

Certified Nurse Assistant Sample 1

Name: Jane Doe

Address: 123 Main Street, Anytown, USA

Phone Number: 555-555-5555

E-mail Address: janed@example.com


”Service-oriented professional with a passion for caring for patients with various health issues. Looking to employ my 3 years of nursing expertise in a CNA position at Oris Care Inc., to aid in patients’ rapid recovery and regeneration”.


  • Proficiently communicate and interact with patients, their families, peers, co-workers, and supervisors
  • Critical Thinking Excellence – Ability to integrate business principles, practices, and policies into work activities to maximize success
  • Empathy – The ability to identify with another person’s point of view or experience
  • Communication Skills – The ability to express oneself clearly and effectively; listen as well as speak effectively
  • Can operate a computer, office software programs and a variety of other related equipment to maintain patient records and assist in the processing of insurance claims.


Good Samaria Inc, Florida

Certified Nurse Assistant

2019 – Present

  • Responsible for the general care, comfort and treatment of nursing home residents
  • Administers medications to patients as per physician’s orders and in accordance with accepted professional standards
  • Prepares residents for medical examinations and treatments
  • Assists physicians during examinations, treatments, and all other duties as assigned by the supervisor
  • Ensures that all assigned duties are performed properly during absence of the nurse supervisor
  • Provides emotional support to ensure positive resident reaction to treatment and care.


Certified Nurse Assistant

2015 – 2018 Florence Stacy-Carson Community College

Certified Nurse Assistant

Courses taken include:

  • Diagnostic Principles of Nursing
  • Assisting in Nursing Procedures
  • Medication Administration
  • Practical Skills of Clinical Nursing.


  • CNA II
  • Certified Alzheimer Caregiver
  • National Certification Board for Alzheimer Care
  • Certified Hospice and Palliative Nursing Assistant.


The certified nurse assistant resume example provided on this page shows you how to highlight the skills and abilities that are relevant to the job you are applying for.

You can apply this sample as a template when making one for a CNA job application.

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